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Writer's pictureMelanie Watkins


Fear is a product of your own mind. Much like every other mental activity, If you feed grows. It's like an open wound that never heals, and it can get infected, but unlike most wounds it can also infect others. Fear is the true pandemic of this age. Because it is bought and sold to you by the same malevolence that brings the war on drugs, the war for oil and control of national banks. But most importantly, fear disconnects us. From the people we Love sometimes, from things we would actually benefit from (like actually feeling our feelings for instance).

However the most profound is the disconnection from source. This is why fear is the opposite of Love. Unconditional Love enhances our vibration , therefore it is literally like tuning in your radio station to God, but its not some God found in a building. Its the God within you, it connects us to our soul, or spirit . This is how we remember our divinity, this is our soul remembering its true and higher self. The God fragment you've always been, because you are literally a fractal, a division of source!

Fear disconnects us from this high vibration and therefore changes the station so we are no longer hearing the music, but the static.The white noise of disconnection.

REMEMBER that the first law of hermetic principle is that everything is mental, fear thusly is also mental. It can be reprogrammed. Because that's what all metal processes are.....a program. YOU are the ONE who writes the code! Rewrite it! Every single day. Affirm unconditional Love, gratitude, and joy for life into your daily routine. Consistently is the to success of the reprogramming of those synapses.

Your mind is the master of your emotions. Take your power back by remembering your divinity, remember your divine worth, because you're not just a human meatsuit, you are a divine spark! And always remember, unconditional Love is the gateway to your soul codes!

Matt Alger Dec 15th 2022

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